Friday, February 1, 2013

Beneath Guarded Hearts - 93


His game finished sooner than I had anticipated. I put on a composed expression as he walked towards me and climbed over the bed. He held my face and wiped my dampened cheeks gently, and I could see a hidden grin on his face as he clasped his lips tightly together. I sat very still as I enjoyed the simple but loving caress.

3bdulla: “We need to talk, you know…”

Me: “Yeah, I know.”


            I always hated confrontations.

3bdulla: “Asma… the way you acted was wrong. A wife should be supportive of her husband.”

            Support? That’s what he’s upset about? I stared at him dazedly without a word.

3bdulla: “And you acted like an immature teenager and you made it all about yourself.”

            I clenched my fists. Now he was putting the whole blame on me?

Me: “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

            He widened his eyes in surprise. I kept my fists clenched and bit my lip. I didn’t want to make it any worse.

3bdulla: “You’re not sorry.”

            He reached for my hidden knuckles under the blanket and brought them to the surface. He unclenched my hands and held them closely within his grasp.

3bdulla: “I’m listening. Please talk to me.”

            I took in a deep breath. I had to force myself to voice my jumbling thoughts.

Me: “3bdulla…”

            But I couldn’t.
Immature teenager… all about yourself… way you acted was wrong…
What about what he did?

Me: “I said I was sorry.

Am I already a terrible wife to him? Did I not have the right to be angry?

3bdulla: “I don’t want a meaningless apology. Asma, just talk to me…”

            I looked away, dropping my gaze.

Me: “A marriage is supposed to be about compromise, respect and understanding. I’m not the only one at fault here.”

3bdulla: “I know.”

            I looked up at him and met a smiling face.

Asma: “Then why are you putting the whole blame on me?”

I was surprised at how calm I was. I tried to keep a straight face to avoid bursting into tears in front of him. I didn’t want to give him more reason to think that I was a childish girl who couldn’t handle situations in a mature manner.

3bdulla: “I don’t blame you. I’m only trying to push you to communicate. I need you to trust that you can talk to me.”

            I remained silent and bit my teeth hard. My jawline tensed and I could feel myself starting to shiver.

Me: “Mhmm… I just want us to make decisions together. I want you to see me as your equal, not more, not less. That’s all I want.”

3bdulla: “Okay then, it’s settled. I won’t do it again.”

            He cupped my right cheek with his left hand and kissed my forehead.

Me: “Just like that?”

3bdulla: “We’re both adults Asma. I think we can both resolve a problem rationally, don’t you agree?”

            I nodded, feeling ashamed.

Me: “I’m sorry I wasn’t supportive of you.”

3bdulla: “It’s okay 7bibty. Now what do you want to do about bu’6abi?”

Me: “It’s okay, we’ll move there if that’s what you want.”

3bdulla: “Are you sure?”

            I think I decided that I wanted to move there with him before we even had this conversation. I smiled then and hugged him.

Me: “Yeah, I’m sure! I’ll be done with uni by then anyway.”

3bdulla: “Inzain. I picked out an apartment, just like you told me… the location is an hour closer to Dubai though, so I thought that would make it a little easier for you. But if you don’t like it, we can always look for someplace else.”

Me: “No, it sounds great! Can you take me to see it next weekend?”

3bdulla: “Of course.”

Me: “Okay then! Yalla I have to sleep, I have to wake up early bacher-”

            He suddenly put both his arms around me and dragged me down with him as his head settled on the pillows.

3bdulla: “You really didn’t think you could just have a fight with me and get away with it, did you?”

            He grinned arrogantly and reached over and kissed my jaw. I felt shivers crawl up my spine and brushed my lips over his, missing the fervor of his dominating mouth. I felt at peace, knowing that I had the most amazing person by my side.


            I looked straight past my computer screen at work as my new assistant walked in. I had told my trustee, Omar, to find me someone new who was capable of handling pressure and I didn’t list any other specifications. No bias with their gender, experience, age or past. I just wanted anyone who could meet up to my expectations. Anyone except her, of course.

Me: “OMAR!”

            She jumped in shock the instant she heard my voice. She stood very still, a frozen statue hoping to be overlooked. Omar came rushing in.


            I gave him a few seconds to recover his breath before I spoke again.

Me: “Close the door behind you.”

            I purposefully glanced right into her eyes as I said the last word, making sure she knew that she had caught my attention. She shrunk back and bit her lip, agitated.

Omar: “What happened?”

Me: “OF ALL PEOPLE, you couldn’t find anyone but her?!”

Omar: “Umm… whom are we talking about exactly?”

Me: “My new assistant!”

Omar: “Oh! You mean Ms. Alia?”

I grit my teeth with loathing as he said her name, waiting for him to explain himself.

Omar: “Oh, well… umm… you see, you said… umm… you said you didn’t care about personal details as long as they met up to the standards you gave me…”

Me: “So you assumed that just because I didn’t openly state it, I would take in a slut as my assistant?”

            He widened his eyes in shock.

Omar: “Umm… Sul6an… She’s a really good-”

Me: “There’s nothing good about that person standing outside. Please show her to the door.”

            I turned to my computer and shifted my focus back to work, automatically and silently dismissing him. Just as he turned his back and walked out of my office, heading towards her, I briefly looked up and caught her miserable expression. She looked like she was pleading Omar and for one brief second, my heart gave a hard kick out of nowhere. I frowned reflexively when I saw Omar rush back in, Alia’s feet still glued to the same place.

Omar: “Um, Sul6an… tba etramisk…”

            I raised a brow at him, questioning why he didn’t follow my direct orders. I looked back at her, her eyes fixed on the floor, and I thought, same old manipulative Alia. I had to deal with her myself, then.

Me: “Send her in.”

To be continued…