Monday, October 10, 2011

Beneath Guarded Hearts - 59


I rubbed my forehead vigorously and stared at my strange reflection in the mirror. Why this soon? Couldn’t I enjoy Asma a little bit more? But I couldn’t put it on hold any longer. I knew it as much as she did. I guess I had hoped that she would forget about the whole thing. I guess my hopes went up too high this time. I sighed again.

Me: “Well, I might as well finish this…”


Me: “Who was that?”

3bdulla: “No one.”

            It wasn’t what he said, it was the way he said it. And the playful look in his eyes was gone, his mind completely distracted. Who could it be?
            I excused myself from the table and pretended to head for the bathroom. When I was out of sight, I started digging for his phone. It wasn’t that I doubted him, but I was, by nature, a curious person. I dug through the pillows and searched desperately.

3bdulla: “Umm, what are you doing?”

            My heart stopped.

Me: “Uhh what?”

3bdulla: “What are you looking for?”

Me: “Umm…”

            Shit! Think Asma, think! I looked down and noticed my empty finger. My heart calmed down a little and I pretended to continue looking under the piles of pillows and bed sheets.

Me: “I can’t find my ring!”

            I attempted an exasperated sigh and turned to him. He smiled at me, although I could see a little skepticism in his eyes.

3bdulla: “I think it’s in the drawer of the right bedside table.”

Me: “Ohhh THANK GOD!”

            I attacked the drawer impatiently and found the ‘supposed’ lost item.

Me: “I don’t remember putting it there…”

His voice interrupted me as I moved to put it on.

3bdulla: “Umm, laa2, let me…”

            He reached me in a few steps, took the ring and slipped it through my finger gently, the enjoyment in his eyes vivid.

3bdulla: “There…”

            He looked at me in longing and held my gaze in place. Without warning, as if he couldn’t help himself, he reached for me and slipped in a passionate kiss that lifted me off the ground. I held on to him, my legs gone weak as he pulled me closer and kissed me deeper.
            Just when I was starting to melt into his arms, my heartbeats beating against his chest, my lips swollen and possessed, he abruptly broke the kiss and whispered in broken breaths.

3bdulla: “I love you Asma, don’t you ever doubt it.”

            And before I had a chance to regain myself, he had slipped on his kandoora and left the hotel room.

Me: “Drat, why can’t I resist him?”

            I had completely forgotten about what I had been fishing for just moments ago. No doubt he took his phone with him, so I called Nouf to see where she was.

Noufyy: “Hiiiiiiii asoooooomtyyyyyy!!!”

Me: “Haha hi noufyy.”

Noufyy: “Sho tawch nasheh? Why the dull tone?”

Me: “Laa mashay, it’s probably nothing don’t worry about it.”

Noufyy: “Pft whatever I know you’ll tell me later anyway. Sooooo yalla spill the juice how was last night? ;)”

            I almost choked on my words.

Me: “NOUF!”

Noufyy: “Oh my GOD tisti7eeeeeeeeeeeeeen? Does that mean that you didn’t-”

Me: “NOUF please change the subject! This is too personal!”

Noufyy: “Hahahha that means that ‘stuff’ happened ;)”

Me: “Okaaay ya3ni of course ‘stuff’ happened…”

            I headed to the closed curtains and sprung them open to see the most beautiful sight of Dubai. I froze.

Me: “Woww, what a view…”

Noufyy: “So what REALLY happened hunii?”

Me: “Nothing much, really…”

Noufyy: “I’m this close to slapping you when the limo picks us up. Spill!”

Me: “Limo? What Limo? And I told you-”

Noufyy: “My God mat3arfeen? Has 3bdulla told you ANYTHING?”

Me: “3bdulla? When did you talk to-”


Me: “Nouf?”

            What in the world is going on here?! I’m getting really sick of this. I re-dialed Noufyy’s number, but it was mu3’la8. This was so unlike her! Was it me or was everyone just acting really weird today?
            I dialed 3bdulla’s number and it gave me Busy. Who could he be talking to right now? Or was he meeting up with someone? Just as I thought that, my phone suddenly rang and I saw an unfamiliar number. I answered it immediately.

Me: “Aloo?”

“Madam Asma, your limo shall arrive in exactly 30 minutes.”

Me: “Who sent you to pick me up?”

“A Miss Nouf, I believe.”

Me: “Nouf?! Okaay I’ll be straight down. Is she wi-”


Me: “UGGGHHH!!!”

            People have seriously got to stop hanging up on me! It was getting on my nerves -.-
I quickly changed into my long, silk emerald half dress-like top with leggings, slipped into the thin, ruffling layers of my 3aba, fixed up my shaila, and applied a thin layer of make-up that barely showed. I checked the time again. Still 15 minutes left. I sat cross-legged on the bed and mindlessly skimmed through my blackberry, and after what seemed ages, my phone finally rang, but it was 3bdulla’s name that popped up this time.

            I jumped off of my bed and grabbed my handbag and rushed outside the door. I was starting to suspect that he and Nouf were planning something for me. However, when I answered the phone, I didn’t receive the kind of tone I was expecting.

3bdulla: “Asma, yam3y a3’ra6’ich bser3a, we’re leaving. Bashilich 3gb sa3a.”

            His voice sounded urgent.

Me: “What? We’re leaving? And aren’t you in the limo?”

3bdulla: “What limo?

            He said that just as I stepped out of the front gates of the hotel. I paused for a minute.

Me: “Bas Noufyy galat… Ohh nevermind I’ll just ask her myself.”

3bdulla: “Asma mashay wagt 6arsheelha text aw bbm, just go and pack everything.”

            There was something very disturbing about the way he spoke to me.

Me: “5ala9 3yal I guess I’ll cancel plans with her, bas why are we leaving so suddenly?”

3bdulla: “Asma, I just really need you to trust me right now and do what I say, okaay?”

Me: “Okaay but what’s goi-”

3bdulla: “Asma, bas. I’ll explain later. Just be ready.”

            Before I could answer, he hung up, and the 6oooo6 kept pinching my spinning head back into reality, or trying to. It was barely the afternoon and already my life was in complete chaos! Patience Asma, patience… I’ll find out everything soon enough, wouldn’t I?
I stared through the condensed glass doors of the hotel exit that slightly blurred the sight from outside with water droplets invading the smooth surface.
So now I had a dilemma: Should I approach the limo that was supposedly awaiting me in front of the Valet/Drop Off area? Or should I go upstairs and do what my suspicious husband was telling me to do? I may have been curious, but I was also paranoid. The question was… which one was I more of?

To be continued…


  1. Okaay, so awal shay sorry for the wait!! And second of all I can't find time to edit so please excuse any mistakes I might have :)
    And I've decided that I can't end this soon, so a little action to look forward to ! ;)

  2. Finally! I LOVED this post, please continue soon!!

  3. I LOOOVE pleeesseeee post sooon :$ !!!
    maybe by the weekend o:) ?

  4. -.- We gave you enough time *humph*
    hehe i love your story ♥
    I agree, this is nowhere near the end!!
    I think I'll read the blog all over again x)
    Ooh and we never knew what happened with that 3alya person !!
    Good luck dear ♥

    - N

  5. Loved this post!!
    Post soon like the weekend! :)
    A www yay more action!!
    Best of luck!


  6. Loved the post, i'm starting to get really curious of what is ganna happen. PLease try to post soon.
    Thanks <3
    -M AS ;p

  7. Loved this post! Curious wats going to happen!
    Pls post soon!

  8. Thank you guys, still working on the next post :)
    Thanks for the patience!

  9. Hello my lovely readers! Post 60 is looking really good, some mysterious action to look forward to :D
    And i think I've decided how to end this :D But who knows when I'll change my mind or get new ideas, right? ;)
    Anyway, all the best!

    xx Captain5ibloOh
