Monday, July 25, 2011

Beneath Guarded Hearts - 28


I brushed past her, afraid of breaking down if I had stayed further, my emotions sprinting through my veins as my heart vibrated against my chest.
5alh yzig lo yt7ara he can take Asoomah away from me. Bas 5alh yjareb. Over my dead body.


            I didn’t know how I felt that night when I stepped into my room, but I do know that a huge smile stretched along my face as I closed the door behind me. My heart was screaming in thrill, my eyes glittering with delight. He wasn’t giving up. He would stay with me until… well I hope that day never comes. I want him to be the one standing next to me in my wedding dress, to be the one who slips the ring into my finger… the one.
            I opened my phone when it vibrated, and I saw his name pop up. Another smile. I wonder what it says. I opened it with an anticipation I’ve never felt before.

From: 3bady (Mobile)
Heyy, sorry I ran off so suddenly. Just wanted to check on you… rdaity el 7jrah?

            I gave out a little chuckle as I replied to his text.

To: 3bady (Mobile)
3adee… Laish you worried about me?  ;P

From: 3bady (Mobile)
Laa mb chee ya3ni bas it’s just not safe at night

To: 3bady (Mobile)
Of course it’s safe. Mafeeha shay I always come here you’re just so used to London and its ‘dangers’ felail :p Don’t worry I go on walks all the time, sa3at bel bicycle ba3ad :D You should try it, it’s fun ;)

From: 3bady (Mobile)
Suure I’d love to ! How about tomorrow at 6?

To: 3bady (Mobile)
Huh? Laa I meant in your own free time…

From: 3bady (Mobile)
Bas what if I get lost? Lazim expert etee weyaya ;)

To: 3bady (Mobile)
I’m sure you can ask for someone mn el lobby

From: 3bady (Mobile)
Za3alteeni ha -,-

To: 3bady (Mobile)
Ez3al w latfaker bara6’eek ;)

From: 3bady (Mobile)
Woaah heartless! Who knew you had it in you. It’s always the quiet ones ;)

To: 3bady (Mobile)
I’m not heartless. You just seem to think we live in a world with no ethics! I have to be the responsible one since you’re obviously not going to be

From: 3bady (Mobile)
You’re too mature for your age you know that? You gotta make mistakes in order to learn from them

To: 3bady (Mobile)
I’m already making one now -,-

From: 3bady (Mobile)
Yalla 3ad we’re just chatting mafeeha shay!

To: 3bady (Mobile)
Ugghh GOOD NIGHT 3bdulla

From: 3bady (Mobile)
I liked it better when you called me 3bady o:)

To: 3bady (Mobile)
Bassik 3ad yalla seer ergid !

From: 3bady (Mobile)
Hhhhh you're so cute when you’re mad :p Yalla ti9bi7een 3ala 5air

To: 3bady (Mobile)
Gn :)

            Walla this has to stop. I know I’m not technically saying anything wrong, it’s just that it feels wrong. I washed my face, removed my make-up and headed to bed. My heart beat anxiously in anticipation as I dozed off to meet him in my dreams…


            Asma came back from her walk a different person. Traces of tears were still evident on her face, but she glowed when she entered the house, or villa, or whatever you call these things. Give her the last summer she had with 3bdulla? She asked me when I was feeling guilty. The most innocent manipulator you’ll ever find walla! How can I do that? I simply couldn’t. But I gave her my word. So, I decided to talk to 3bdulla instead. Lazim a3rf what exactly his intentions were concerning asamy. I intended on stealing him away from breakfast, when everyone was busy, especially e5tyy, 3shan at2akad I can speak to him freely, and likewise on his side. It’s time he told me the truth about everything.


            I knew I was in trouble when he grinned at my face w salam 3alaya. 3ad mn awal el 9b7? Inshalla asma didn’t tell him anything… I didn’t touch her this time walla!

9ul6oon: “9baa7 el 5air. Rgadt 3adel?”

Me: “Umm yaa al7emdilla.”

9ul6oon: “Good. Cuz I need you to be completely awake for this.”

            Before I could object to anything, he pushed me in front of him and guided me out of the restaurant. Wadana mkan I didn’t recognize. There was green all around me, and I lost track of the way. Everything looked the same!

Me: “Sul6an shosalfeh?”

9ul6oon: “We need to talk about asamy.”

            I groaned. Was it ever about anything else? Can’t I just enjoy myself with her, no questions asked?

9ul6oon: “I would think that after what you heard, you would stay the hell away, bas it appears not. Shostwaa?”

            I pondered over how I should phrase what I wanted to tell him. If I said it wrong, I’d probably get beaten up again, for no damn reason.

Me: “Asma t7ibeh? Does she want it to happen?”

9ul6oon: “That’s not any of your business, bas since we’re being honest here la2. I think we both know what she really wants.”

My heart skipped a beat.

Me: “3yal laish? How did she end up in this situation?”

9ul6oon: “You’ll know if she wants you to know. It’s not in my place to tell you.”

Me: “I can’t let him have her.”

            This caused him to raise a brow.

9ul6oon: “And what do you plan on doing? Going and beating him up again? Trust me, if he takes one glimpse of you again, you’ll be in shattered pieces by the time he’s done with you. He doesn’t take well to surprises, that’s why you were lucky the first time.”

Me: “Bas she won’t be happy! Laish inteh mb yalis tsawy shay?! Bat5aleeha tseer w tizawaj wa7d mat3arfeh w tzee3’ mnh?”

9ul6oon: “Awal shay, latirmis yom mat3rf el salfa eb akmalha. She does know him.”

            I widened my eyes.

Me: “They have a past?”

9ul6oon: “Yes, and not a very pleasant one I might add. I’ve said too much already. 7ata lo you decided you wanted her, there’s nothing that you can do. I’ve tried everything.”

Me: “Mayestwee. There MUST be something!”

9ul6oon: “I’m not saying I gave up, I’m just saying chances are very low. A7eena, concerning your own history, I’m not sure you’re up for it. Asma doesn’t play games; she takes it all or nothing. Matroom til3ab weyaha ba3dain t3’ayer rayk yom batmil mnha. She needs someone she can depend on, and Rashid is, sadly, dependable. He is committed to her. I’d prefer she not marry him, knowing him as well as I do, because it would be a terrible match. But my question here is, are you willing to make the necessary sacrifices and fight for her? If not, then by all means, have your last summer with her, give her something nice to look back on, but don’t promise her something you can’t give her.”

            His words were like a wake up call. He was bringing forth the question that I’ve been avoiding for months. Do I want asma and only asma? Is she really the one, or just another girl who will be a part of my past?

To be continued…


  1. Here, I made it long 3alashan 5a6rkm :D Enjooy <3

  2. U are Srslly unfair u used to post at least 3 posts Nw it's only one :( mm bs it's still great :p

  3. I'm sorry! I've been busy this past week x.x
    I'll try to write more :D
